Living E-book

Friday, February 21, 2014

Rewriting My Life: Food, Weight, Disease and My E-book

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In this blog, I am looking at how we are continually creating stress through our mind which eventually creates stress that creates consequence for the body because of memories we connect to fear.

Where did my fear of Disease start?

Why did i ran after cooked vegetarian food, cooked vegan food, raw food etc. instead of finding out the origin of my fear?

My grandmother told me a story that i was suffering from a disease when i was young so i was in the hospital when she saw a cockroach come near me, and how she became so angry, so she ran after the cockroach and then prayed for God to either take me and free me from my suffering or heal me.

She believed that God healed me, but this became a memory of a near death experience to me which I associated with fear of illness and disease.  I even became 'scared' of the cockroach when i heard this (i forgave myself  for this).

It is interesting that this memory of the past is what i am living in my decision to eat healthy food. I ran away from my fear of disease/illness and fear of death to eat what i call 'healthy food'.

It was only when i investigated my fear that i saw this:

>Memory1: I heard the story of my grandmother of me in the hospital sick and fighting for my life
>Memory2: I saw the woman with psoriasis who does not go out of her house because of the disease
>Memory3: I saw the woman with tumors growing in her body disfiguring her
>I connected this memory to fear of disease
>I reacted in fear - fear of disease and fear of death
>I saw my mom and dad arguing about money
>I connected this memory to fear of being alone believing they can decide to separate in any moment
>I had heart pains in school
>I reacted in fear of disease and fear of death
>I connected the memory to the fear
>I attended a vegetarian event with a talk
>I tried to eat healthy food
>I became cooked vegetarian, then cooked vegan, rawfoodist, a fruitarian, a juice feaster etc.

Instead of looking at the fear and the origin of it and release it, i ran after 'healthy food' within the belief that i will be complete through eating what people call 'health food' - running after cooked vegan food, raw vegan food, fruitarianism and breatharianism.

I realized i can rewrite this and face my fear and rewrite my story:

>I heard the story of my grandmother
>I reacted in fear - fear of disease and fear of death
>I saw my mom and dad arguing about money
>I connected this memory to fear of being alone believing they can decide to separate in any moment
>I had heart pains in school
>I reacted in fear of disease and fear of death
>I connected the memory to the fear
>I attended a vegetarian event with a talk
>I tried to eat healthy food
>I became cooked vegetarian, then cooked vegan, a rawfoodist, a fruitarian, a juice feaster etc.

Rewriting the Script:

>I looked  at the earliest i can remember i had that fear
>I decided I can direct myself to stop living this fear and stop judging certain kinds of food as better than other food
>I direct myself to stop and breath when i see myself having energy arising within myself or reacting in fear etc.
>I do self-forgiveness every time i see myself fearing disease and fearing death - wanting 'health foods' (like raw food etc.), or thinking about whether or not i should eat this food item or that food item, etc. where i live the past in the present and doing self-forgiveness every time i see myself wanting a relationship that last as i ran away from my fear of being alone
>I looked at the food items i eat and became  aware of the nutrients in the food
>I am using a software to see words ' (positive) and meat to 'disease' (negative)
>I correct myself by eating all kinds of food realizing that on my plate, are animals and plants sacrificing their lives for all of us to survive.
>I log my food intake and my weight where i am being aware of what food makes me lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight
>I made an E-book to assist others by showing them what i found out
> I make it my mission to speak about different kinds of diets and put these diets in proper perspective where they will be a cohesive whole that aligns with the expression of the earth, animals and plants
>I am assisting in the creation of dignified life for all so all can get food to nourish the body

Memories and Illness:

Stress and Digestion:

He said up to 70 percent of the patients he treats for chronic gut disorders had experienced early childhood traumas like parents' divorces, chronic illnesses or parents' deaths. "I think that what happens in early life, along with an individual's genetic background, programs how a person will respond to stress for the rest of his or her life," he said.