Living E-book

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Correcting My Relationship with The Virus Part 7 Day 84

The Force of the Feminine:


In this blog, I am rewriting myself
creating a new self that
is not driven by the mind
but rather self-directive
In the beginning of this blog I will put the self-forgiveness statement
I wrote in the previous blog for context
then I will write the commitment to correction script
of how I am going to correct myself
Self-forgiveness Statement

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as 
'fear of survival - as information - as sex'
fear not knowing what a gay man do with regards to sex
believing that i know what females do with males
believing that females are having physical interaction with men the normal way
but not knowing/doubting how males and males have physical interaction 

doubting how i will define myself, the gay men and the straight men

blaming the physical for creating definitions for gays, females and males

giving the excuse that i have to survive as information and knowledge
defining me as who i have become as the mind
which is accepted by the majority

justifying this by saying, 'i have to be whole'
believing that I have to be the female personality
that is defined to be the opposite gender of a male

not seeing and realizing that i am the one who defined myself into creation through the words i speak and write - expressing myself through words and that i can forgive myself and correct myself in my living participation to recreate myself to be that self that will always stand for what is best for all

Self- Correction Script

I commit myself to when  and as I see myself fearing not knowing
what gay men do with regards to sex with another male

I stop
I breathe

I realize that this is me as the mind
defining me as a female opposite a male
defining gays as in between females and males
believing they are less than life
believing that lesbians are less than life
because they have sex with the same gender
believing I as a female is more than life
as I have sex with the opposite sex
believing that's how life is supposed to be
believing that kids will be confused if they will
be brought up by gays and lesbians
so life will be very confusing

not seeing and realizing that it is me who defined life as such
and defined male,, females, gays and lesbians as such
so why blame life or the physical
when it is me as the evil me that judged
people according to who they havc sex with
not seeing and realizing that life is life

female's, male's, gay's and lesbian's body
come from the dust of the earth and will one day return back to dust.

To instead of doubting who I am
with regards to gender
I assist myself to accept and allow me to see
that I am the breath here in every moment
within a body

I am here
as who I am, what I am and how I am

This does not change
as I touch another body
or have physical interaction with another body

To instead of blaming the physical
for creating gays, lesbians, females, males

I assist myself to see that
I was the one who defined myself as a female opposite a male
and defined lesbians and gays as in between
so it is me who is taking self-responsibility
correcting me here
and redefining these words so I can use it as equal to my expression

To instead of having an excuse
that I have to survive as a female within gender
see and realize that I am here as who I am, what I am and how I am
living this moment breath by breath
so I will move me to stand as that

To instead of justifying that excuse by saying
'I have to be whole - so I have to be a female'
I assist myself to see that who I am is not defined by gender
accepting and allowing me to birth me here as LIFE
expressing the female
expression in/as life
where wholeness does not need separating from the source                                                                    
The Virus
 '...what would happen is they would come out
of that essentially perfect dna design relationship
the organic systematized dna
with from that weakness try and attempt
to realign itself like
fix itself the energy and physicality relationship
which will then create like an outgrowth
in a way where both the energy and the 
physical try to go into competition 
trying to fix or mame that weakness in the 
very dna design '                                           

Correcting My Relationship With The Virus Part 6 'Stay Away!' Day 83 Correction: HIV



This is a continuation of this blog:

In this blog, i am doing a self-correction script
rewriting myself
to create another script

and creating
a new self that
is not driven by the mind
but rather self-directive

one that i can trust to stand for what is best for all life always
taking myself by the hand and walking myself  step by step
guiding myself in each and every step of the way

in/as self-intimacy
correcting myself as i live and express here in this physical existence

correcting myself everytime i see myself participating in thoughts, internal conversations, reactions, behavior etc. 
until all is free and Life is here forevermore.


I will copy the self-forgiveness statement in the previous blog to give this blog proper context then i will do the self-commitment script at the end.


Self-forgiveness Statement:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as 'fear of survival - as space'
fear that i will be contaminated if i go near gay people with HIV
doubting whether i am the one existing in space or not
believing that i am in one space and another is in another space
separate from where i am

blaming the physical for creating space
that is separate 
for those who are clean and those who are unclean
for those who are gay and for those who are not gay
giving the excuse that i have to survive as a person within space
separate from the space where the gay guy with HIV is
believing that if i share his space the virus will attack me
justifying this by saying 'i need to be whole' 
believing that i can defend my space from others who will endanger it
by not letting others in who may threaten that space
believing that i am a person that can be in a certain location in space
that is safe from danger, if i stay away from gay guys

not seeing and realizing I am HERE

Self-Correction Script

I commit myself to
when and as i see myself  
fearing that i will be contaminated with the HIV virus if i come near gay guys
I stop
I breathe

I realize that this is me as the mind
separating myself from all that is here in this physical existence
staying in a corner within my mind believing i am safe in that corner
not seeing and realizing that i created fear of the HIV virus within my mind
and then imagined the HIV virus attacking me 
fearing it and then avoiding it
staying away from
imagined enemies in my mind
staying in a corner that i proclaimed safe
from invaders. 

not seeing and realizing that I
am living a fear pattern
which I imagined

then I reacted
to this fear I imagined

not seeing and realizing this is
an illusion within my mind
that I am giving life to

by acting it out
behaving as if there is an enemy
that I have to avoid

when there is only me here
as all parts of me as life

I am HERE as breath
moving moment by moment
as who I am, what I am and how I am

I am HERE.

I assist myself to stabilize me as breath and
accept and allow me to see gays as my equal
realizing that the body of gay's consist of cells
which consist of atoms which consist of substance all are made of

realizing from dust we all came and to dust our bodies will return

I assist myself to develop an equal and one relationship
with the viruses 
accepting the virus as part of me - as part of life 
consisting of the same substance all consist of

redefining the word 'gay' 
and use it as equal to my expression

redefining the word 'space' and use it as equal to my expression.

realizing that when i participate in my mind
within thoughts, internal conversations, reactions of emotions and feelings etc.
the physical is being resourced for energy 
transforming the physical to energy
for the mind to exist

weaknesses which gives rise to viruses

So,it is to realize that i am the one that is taking self-responsibility

and it is to realize that the virus is not to be resisted

as the virus' body is composed of
substance, all consist of, therefore equal to all
that is here.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Correcting My Relationship With The Virus Part 5 Weightloss: Day 82 Correction




This is a continuation of this blog:

In this blog, i am doing a self-correction script 

This is just like a movie script
but here, unlike a movie script

i am writing this script of which i am the actress
not separate from the director and the other actors and actresses etc.

but i am both the director and the actress
in the production of this movie
of myself  
looking at the programs and the patterns etc.
of how i created myself 

seeing what is not best for all - is essentially not best for me

So, I am rewriting myself 
to create another script that 
I am writing 
to rescript the movie
that is the book 
within myself
my whole life story

and creating
a new self that 
is not driven by the mind
but rather self-directive
one that i can trust
to stand for what is best for all life always

taking myself by the hand and walking myself 
step by step
guiding myself
in each and every step of the way

correcting myself as i live and express here
in this physical existence

correcting myself
every time i see myself participating in
thoughts, internal conversations, reactions, behavior etc. 

until all is free and Life is here forevermore.

I will copy the self-forgiveness statement
in the previous blog to give this blog proper context
then i will do the self-commitment script after that

Self-forgiveness Statement:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself 
to participate in the the design of/as 'fear of survival - as thickness - as texture'
fear being thin desiring to be in a certain weight range that had been designated as 
acceptable to be considered healthy, living and surviving
doubting who i am 
uncertain of whether i am the one who has texture or the one without
blaming the physical for creating texture
giving the excuse that i have to survive as a person within an acceptable weight range
justifying this by saying i need to be whole - and has to be within an acceptable weight range


Self- Correction Script

I commit myself to when and as i see myself fearing being thin 
I stop
I breathe
i realize that it is my fear of loss - fear of losing this body i am in
that is behind my fear of being thin
to rather than desire being in a certain weight range
that the scientific community accepts 
I assist myself to stabilize me as breath here
where i am stable with (within) or without a body

instead of doubting who i am - texture or no texture
assist myself to redefine
the word 'texture'
and use it equal to my expression
To instead of blaming the physical for creating texture
I assist myself to take self-responsibility and forgive myself for 
giving a positive or a negative value for the word 'texture'
To instead of having an excuse that
'i have to survive as an individual within an acceptable weight range'
assist myself to  accept and allow me to 
see through my physical eyes 
who i am as the physical/body/substance of/as all
and establish an equal and one relationship with all that is here
To through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application
birth me here as who i am, what i am and how i am
To instead of justifying my fear of survival
within wanting to be in an acceptable weight range
assist myself to see that this is balance in polarity
which started from separation 
rather, see that in  wholeness
one does not have to separate from the source

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Correcting My Relationship With The Virus Part 4 Day 81: Female and Males as Equals



This is a continuation of this blog:

In my past blog, i did self-forgiveness for my fear of being contaminated by the HIV virus 
when i come near gays. In this blog, i am correcting myself by writing a correction script that i can follow/apply while i participate in living life.

Self Correction Script:
I commit myself to when and as i see myself fearing the HIV virus
I stop
I breathe
I realized that this fear come from my fear of not existing as form
having defined myself as the one that has a beginning and an end
not seeing and realizing
I AM HERE as who i am, what i am and how i am

I assist myself to stop participating in this fear  as the body 
is being compromised /resourced 
transforming physicality to energy so the mind can have a positive or a negative experience
every time i participate in this fear 
just like a laptop connects to a socket on the wall
so energy can flow to the computer/laptop

realizing this is not what is best for the body, not best for this world and not best for me
to rather stabilize me as breath, be with the pulse of my heart
bringing me back to what is here

I commit myself to when and as i see myself fearing the way gays move
I stop
i breathe
I realized i am projecting my fears to them
as i fear that i will not have an identifying characteristic being in a female body
that is supposed to be moving or flexing my hands like all females do
while gays are in a male body moving the way i do
with hands flexing the way i flex my hands

I assist myself to instead of projecting my fears to gays
where i fear that 
I will be out of character - as a female moving in a certain programmed way
to bring me back here
stabilize me as breath

clap my hands once
and assist myself to accept and allow me to see
through my physical eyes what is here 
realizing that the male body, the gay's body and the female body consist of cells which consist of atoms
that consist of substance - that all consist of
therefore equals

Living this one Life

I commit myself to assist in establishing a world that truly honors life
based on equality
until all is free 
and Life is here forevermore

Continued in the coming blogs

To learn more about the mind, Thoughts etc. 
check out: DIP Lite
The Virus
 '...what would happen is they would come out
of that essentially perfect dna design relationship
the organic systematized dna
with from that weakness try and attempt
to realign itself like
fix itself the energy and physicality relationship
which will then create like an outgrowth
in a way where both the energy and the 
physical try to go into competition 
trying to fix or mame that weakness in the 
very dna design '

Correcting My Relationship with The Virus Part 3: SF Day 80 Fear of HIV: Gender



This is a continuation of this blog:

Topic: Self-forgiving me in this blog and in the coming blogs, correcting myself in my living application standing equal to the mind - realizing i can only change/stop that which i am equal to/as - stopping mind participation to birth me here as equal to/as all Life

Specific Point: 'Correcting My  Relationship with the Virus'' Part 3

What is Self-forgiveness?


Self-forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as
'fear of survival - as form'
fear i will be contaminated with the HIV virus when i get near gay guys
doubting who i am
uncertain of whether i am the one with form or the one without form
blaming the physical for creating existence with form and without form
having the excuse that i need to survive as an individual having form
justifying that by saying 'i need to be whole'
which is balance within polarity
not seeing and realizing that i am here 
as breath in every moment

not seeing that this body is being compromised
as it is being resourced transforming physicality to energy
within having a relationship of fear 
to HIV 

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate  in the design of/as 'fear of survival as - movement'
fear gay movement - the picture of them swinging the arm with more flexibility than
normal males 
doubting who i am 
as a female that has flexibility in movement
which is the opposite of a male, which i defined 
as not having flexibility in movement 
as much as females do
defining myself within balance in polarity
not seeing that i am here as breath as who i am, what i am and how i am

blaming the physical for creating movement within gender
giving the excuse that i have to survive as a female moving in a certain way
justifying that by saying 'i have to be whole' 
and act as a female as what i had been defined as 
in this world

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the the design of/as 'fear of survival - as thickness - as texture'
fear being thin desiring to be in a certain weight range that had been designated as 
acceptable to be considered healthy, living and surviving
doubting who i am 
uncertain of whether i am the one who has texture or the one without
blaming the physical for creating texture
giving the excuse that i have to survive as a person within an acceptable weight range
justifying this by saying i need to be whole - and has to be within an acceptable weight range

Through this,
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as 'fear of survival - as space'
fear that i will be contaminated if i go near the gay people with HIV
doubting whether i am the one existing in space or not
blaming the physical for creating space
giving the excuse that i have to survive as a person within space
justifying this by saying 'i need to be whole' 
the one who is defined as a person in a certain location in space.

Through this, 
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the design of/as 
'fear of survival - as information - as sex'
fear not knowing what a gay man do with regards to sex
believing that i know what females do with males
believing that females are having physical interaction with men the normal way
but not knowing/doubting how males and males have physical interaction 
doubting how i will define myself, the gay men and the straight men
blaming the physical for creating definitions for gays, females and males
giving the excuse that i have to survive as information and knowledge
defining me as who i have become as the mind
which is accepted by the majority
justifying this by saying, 'i have to be whole'
staying as the female that is defined to be the opposite gender of a male
not seeing and realizing that i am the one who defined myself into creation through the words i speak and write - expressing myself through words and that i can forgive myself and correct myself in my living participation to recreate myself to be that self that will always stand for what is best for all life.

Continued in the coming blogs

To learn more about the mind, Thoughts etc. 
check out: DIP Lite
The Virus
 '...what would happen is they would come out
of that essentially perfect dna design relationship
the organic systematized dna
with from that weakness try and attempt
to realign itself like
fix itself the energy and physicality relationship
which will then create like an outgrowth
in a way where both the energy and the 
physical try to go into competition 
trying to fix or mame that weakness in the 
very dna design '